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Kitbashed Cryolophosaurus 1/40 Scale 
I took the wonderfully sculpted head of the Carnegie Cryolophosaurus (the body was a skinny 'tripod pose' disaster as Carnegie Theropod sculpts tend to be), and attached it to a Kinto Favorite Allosaurus body.

Not only does it look 100% better, it also stands on its own 2 feet (the importance of which for a Theropod seems to be lost on the good folks at Carnegie.)

Basically Carnegie hired a first rate sculptor, Forrest Rogers, and then gave her faulty information on the Theropods which she faithfully reproduces, with legs and ankles that are too skinny - and which cannot stand on their own as a result.

This is truly a pity, and is in stark contrast with the 'Wild Safari' sub-line of Carnegie, which has produced marvelous sculpts that do not have this problem.

In any event kudos to Ms. Rogers as the heads of both the Giganotosaurus seen earlier and this Cryolophosaurus in particular are absolutely superb!