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Bullyland/Carnegie Giganotosaurus Kitbash 
3 years ago Carnegie produced a Giganotosaurus with an exquisitely accurate head, but a body that was much too slender and bent awkwardly, plus it could not stand on its own no matter what I tried.

Fastforward to 2010 - Bullyland produces a same scale Giganotosaurus of its own, with a much more accurate body (save the arms which are a bit too large, but we can't have everything), and an absolutely horrendous head.

The solution? Marry up the Carnegie Giga head with the Bully. Giga body, then repaint.

2 lengthwise slices were cut out of the neck between the scutes to narrow it for the Carnegie head, glued together, and the the head attached with wire and glue.

Gaps were puttied and texturized, and the right arm turned inwards using the same methods, to correct the orientation of the palm inwards.